Tuesday, May 1, 2012

I have no intention on posting in any regular increments but I do have a system worked out as to a rough order of posts. I will sequentially be posting in the order of topic: books, roofs, eating, theology, and time. It is a way for me to stay on topic. They are as well as a wide range of topics that I cannot avoid. As a Christian, I cannot avoid the gospel (nor do I want to) so that will be woven in one way or another through every post. I will also do some punctuated interruptions in the topic schedule to just what, when, why, where, and how something or other.

I like to read so I will likely write about what I have read. I am a roofing salesman so I will talk about roofs and recommendations. I have yet to stop eating and I like doing it, so I will write about where and what I eat. I can't avoid time, I've done time, and I don't understand time, so why not talk about it.